Compass points for the new year
(Set aside a space over 4-5 days or 4-5 hours or 4-5 quarters of an hour … over January, to ponder the questions below. Record your musings as you go – in a diagram, in writing, in images or sketches. Don’t rush :: be still.)
Facing WEST – the direction of the setting sun
What beliefs, attitudes and traditions are fading in my life? Whom do I need to farewell or let go of? What maps no longer work for my life? Where is deep healing needed?
Does the parable of the lost son speak to your life? Luke 15.
Facing NORTH – the North Star that guides, stabilizes and orientates.
Who are your spiritual guides and dearest friends? What are the understandings of God that nurture and sustain you? What writings, what values, resonate deep within you?
?Ponder the parable of the rich fool : Luke 12.15f
Facing EAST – the direction of the rising sun
What new energy or movement is starting to emerge in you? What is starting to happen? what are you starting to take hold of? Where are you being invited to embrace something new?
?Check out the parable of the great banquet – Luke 14.15f
SOUTH – source of energy, warmth, light, spontaneity
Where is your creative energy being called forth? What do you really long to do or be? How do you nurture yourself?
What made the difference in the parable of the sower? Luke 8.4f
Considering all four compass points as a whole, can you resolve to live the year ahead fully? What would a full yes to God in your whole person – physical, emotional, spiritual – look like?
You may wish to return to your compass many times in prayer and reflection to allow it to reveal more fully the insights and learnings that are there for you.
Eternal God, grant to us this day and everyday, such readiness and delight in following you, that whether our lives are short or long, we shall have lived abundantly. AMEN