We offer spiritual accompaniment (or spiritual direction) at Breathing Space Coventry. We can connect you with someone who will come alongside and listen, support, and be with you.
This is the Celtic tradition of an anam cara – a soul friend – a creative and counter-cultural companion ‘who will be a hearth where you may sit in silence and be warmed, a place of belonging and rest, a presence to help kindle the divine fire within the soul.’ (from Mary C. Earle, in Celtic Christian Spirituality, 2012)
A soul friend is a person who will allow you to tell the whole truth about yourself, and encourage you towards gratitude and generosity, healing and restoration, holding the paradoxes of life – its gladness and sadness – in both hands.

[It’s] like panning for gold. A [person] comes and together we dip into the stream of their life and pull up all kinds of things. Rocks of all sizes – I can never guess what is coming next – all kinds of conflicts and problems, then all of a sudden some fleck or nugget of pure gold emerges into view in the bottom of the pan as we swirl the water round … Janet Ruffing, Spiritual Direction: Beyond the Beginnings, 2000
If this is what you are seeking, make a time to visit and talk it through. We are trained spiritual companions, we are supervised in our accompaniment, and we continue to learn and develop in our network and ongoing seminars. We welcome any faith tradition, diverse ethnicities and identities, and all stages of life and faith journeys.
We can meet you online or in person. Our companionship is confidential, and voluntary. Accompaniment can be long term or short, during a day retreat, or monthly over many years. Contact us here. You are welcome.