you are welcome
Personal day retreats … and a chance to unload
You can visit for as long as you wish, Thursday – Saturdays between 9 am – 4 pm, BUT you do need to book in advance. Just drop us an email or text to check; and then come and find your own space and read, pray, linger, sit and think – as you wish. There is no charge for spending time at Breathing Space Coventry; donations are invited for those who can afford to contribute. We want people to feel free to come – you are welcome to enjoy the space. Ellie, or Alison, would be happy to spend some time with you in a spiritual companion capacity. Just let them know when booking. Or just come along, get out of the fast lane and spend your own time listening or using some of the prayer resources we have available.
Group retreats or team ‘away days’
Your group or team are welcome during the week at times negotiated, so for these days you do need to book in. We can signpost you to the nearby cafe to buy your lunch (can be pre-ordered), or help serve what your team brings along. There are several ‘break-out’ rooms and spaces for ‘down-time’. Contact us for availability in coming months.
Creative Day Retreats

Found in the Garden Winter Series I & II
During the Winter there is an opportunity here at Breathing Space to step aside and enter into the peace of the garden to be inspired and create.
(I) ‘Simply Create’
(II) ‘Creator & Created’
More details for Winter series coming soon
Retreats in daily life
The opportunity to refresh your spiritual life and journey alongside a prayer guide is offered periodically Watch this space.