breathing space coventry is a charity, registered in the UK.
Registered Charity Number 1175896
Its purposes are –
To advance the Christian faith for the benefit of the public in Coventry and the surrounding areas, in particular but not exclusively through the holding of day retreats, and by providing opportunities for growth in contemplative prayer for those wishing to worship and/or explore the Christian faith.
You can find out more about our mission and values here
You can read our Annual Report and Accounts submitted to the Charity Commission by clicking on this link.
We want to make sure Breathing Space is a safe and welcoming place for all. In line with this, we have a safeguarding policy which you can read here and a risk management plan which you can read here. Both of these are kept updated on a regular basis.
You can find out about our privacy policy in Breathing Space Privacy Notice
There is no charge for spending time at Breathing Space Coventry. We want anyone to feel free to come and enjoy this space. Your visit has been paid for by previous visitors, and in return we ask you to ‘pay it forward’ so that future visitors too can have a breathing space in Coventry.
Please click on the link below or contact us for bank details and Gift Aid information. Your generosity through a one-off or regular donation is much appreciated.